Оnline seminar for the participants of the RSF project-DFG № 21-48-04402 «Saints and Heroes: From Christianization to Nationalism. Symbol, Image, Memory (North-West Russia, Baltic and Northern European countries)»
On May 7, 2021, the first online seminar of the participants of the RSF-DFG project No. 21-48-04402 «Saints and Heroes: From Christianization to Nationalism. Symbol, Image, Memory (North-West Russia, Baltic and Northern European countries)».
The seminar was attended by members of the Russian and German scientific groups. The moderators were Alexander Filyushkin, the project manager from the Russian side, and Cordelia Hess, the project manager from the German side. The discussions were attended by M. M. Shakhnovich, D. I. Weber, R. A. Sokolov, I. N. Smirnova, V. I. Koronevsky, S. S. Abuzina, T. D. Medvedeva, invited experts A. Selart (University of Tartu, Estonia) and K. Parppey (University of Southern Finland, Joensuu); members of the German scientific group (project executor G. Streng, K. Burnett (University of Greifswald), etc.
«Saints and Heroes» May 7, 2021
9-12 (German time), 10-13 (Russian time)
9:00/10:00 Welcome
9:05/10:05 Introductory round of all participants
9:20/10:20-11:10/12:10 Presentations (Public part)
Each presenter has 15 minutes and then a 5 minute discussion will follow
Moderator: Prof. Cordelia Heß
9:20/10:20-9:40/10:40 Dmitriy Weber: «Teutonic Order’s Saints. Difference between Prussian and Livonia» listen to Dmitriy Weber's report
9:40/10:40-10:00/11:00 Irina Smirnova: «New documents on the history of the veneration of the famouse Ruissan medieval Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky» listen to Irina Smirnova's report
10:00/11:00-10:10/11:10 Break
Moderator: Prof. Alexander Filyushkin
10:10/11:10-10:30/11:30 Marianna Shakhnovich: «Discussion on the presentation of the veneration of saints in local history museums in Soviet Russia in the late 1920s and early 1930s. (based on materials from the anti-religious press)» listen to Marianna Shakhnovich's report
10:30/11:30-10:50/11:50 Cordelia Heß: «Female lay saints in Scandinavia: Local cult continuities»
10:50/11:50-11:10/12:10 Gustavs Strenga: «A man to be remembered: Wolter von Plettenberg’s fame between his lifetime and the 20th century»
11:10/12:10-11:20/12:20 Break
11:20/12:20-12:00/13:00 Practicalities and planning (Project participants only)